How shipping giant A.P. Moller-Maersk advances green shipping

Show notes

01:26 More and more consumer companies are aiming to decarbonize their supply chains. What effect does it have on the shipping industry? / 02:30 How does Maersk's commitment to decarbonization differ from the current IMO proposals? / 03:30 Maersk has also made the decision to forego the use of transitional fuels and instead leapfrog to net-zero fuels. Why not move to transitional fuels first? / 06:00 How have you convinced your management to invest in methanol as a fuel? / 07:30 In summer 2021 you placed orders for container ships running on green methanol. Why are these orders so important for the industry? / 08:50 Before you said you expect the first carbon-neutral vessel in 2030, now it will be at sea already in 2023. What changed the timeline? / 10:30 Can you tell us exactly what is green methanol? / 11:45 Is the dual-fuel capability of the new ships an advantage for your company? / 12:45 How much carbon emissions will you save with the new ships? / 13:30 From where will you actually get the green methanol to run the ships? / 15:35 What is the message that you want to send with your carbon-neutral vessels to other shipping companies? / 16:40 How important will shipping become for the global economy in the future?

Comments (1)

Kevin Fdes

Inspiring and motivating to see established companies are driving towards decarbonisation.

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