The success factors for decarbonizing shipping

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01:38 Why is it important to quickly decarbonize the shipping industry? / 02:45 As the United Nations’ Climate Champion’s Shipping Lead, what’s your role in creating this sustainable future for shipping? / 05:23 What's the timeline for decarbonizing shipping? / 07:11 What actually needs to happen to enable the Maritime Energy Transition? / 10:32 In July the IMO is going to adopt the revised greenhouse gas strategy. Are there things that you would like to see them adopt or things that you’re expecting? / 11:35 You often talk about radical collaboration. What does that mean to you? / 13:46 You’ve said that decarbonizing shipping could bring benefits outside shipping. How so? How do you see that happening? / 16:22 Will the additional costs for new clean technologies be outweighed by the benefits that the community will receive in the long run? / 18:12 How optimistic are you about being able to accelerate the shipping industry’s decarbonization?

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