Why there won’t be a climate-neutral future without CCS

Show notes

01:43 In the past CCUS had a lot of critics, especially where you are in Germany. What's changed to bring it back into the discussion as a vital part of achieving climate goals?
03:10 What about the criticisms that existed before? Have those been removed or were they not valid? 03:58 How has policy changed internationally to reflect a change in attitude towards the technology?
05:05 What kind of regulations would you like to see?
06:00 Can you tell us briefly how CCUS technology works?
07:05 Where can the CO2 be stored? 07:45 And how much storage capacity would we actually need?
08:20 How is CCUS connected with the production of synthetic fuels? 09:30 And is the goal that we eventually come to a kind of carbon dioxide circular economy here?
10:20 Do you know about how much CO2 are we capturing today?
11:00 How will CCUS continue to develop? 11:45 How fast do we need to move? 13:10 How do you see the future then working out? Will direct air capture eventually overtake CCUS facilities, or will it complement them?
14:00 How will an actual CCUS facility look like? 16:23 What would a cement or steel manufacturer need to know about CCUS? What would be important to them?
17:45 How is the CO2 once it's captured, being transported at the moment? 19:20 In your opinion, what would a large-scale build-out or a roadmap of CCUS technology look like? Where are we now and what are the next steps?

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