Revised IMO strategy: How can shipping reach net-zero by 2050?

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01:40 You refer to yourself as an outsider of the shipping industry. Why? What are the advantages? 02:57 Are there any ideas or concepts from outside the shipping that you might find useful for decarbonization of the maritime industry? 03:40 How did you get started in the shipping industry? 04:45 Why is it so important to have a global gathering of the maritime industry like the Global Maritime Forum? 06:50 How do you get the players in the maritime world involved to work together? 08:58 How's the industry's feedback on the revised IMO emission targets for shipping? 10:35 Are there ideas what kind of framework conditions are necessary to reach IMO goals? 11:40 What's the current status of the introduction of green fuels? 13:00 Could you please give us some examples what could be done by the shipping industry to take up green fuels? 14:35 Are there already green corridors? 16:08 Which countries will provide the green fuels? 17:27 Are there any other aspects of decarbonization in shipping that we should talk about more? 20:25 How do international and national regulations interplay with each other? 22:00 Is there a particular issue that keeps you awake at night? 23:00 What are the most promising developments in shipping right now?

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